RobWorld is a tool, that allows you to select a world frame for a robot. Otherwise the default FreeCAD frame would have to be used, which might be inconvinient. It can be positioned using X, Y and Z displacemnts and Yaw-Pitch-Roll angles applied in this order.
Property / Property Group | Description |
Base | FreeCAD properties necessary for correct display in the tree view. |
Label | Name of this RobTranslation tool shown in the tree view. |
Group | A list of children to be shown in the tree view. |
Frame | Properties controlling look of a coordinate frame. |
Frame Arrowhead Length | Height of a cone making frame's arrowhead. Must be in range between 1 and 1e6. |
Frame Arrowhead Radius | Radius of a cone making frame's arrowhead. Must be in range between .5 and 1e6. |
Frame Transparency | Frame transparency in percents. Total transparency is 100. |
Shaft Length | Length of an arrow's shaft. Must be in range between 1 and 1e6. |
Shaft Width | Width of an arrow's shaft. Must be in range between 1 and 64. |
Show Frame | Toggle coordinate frame. |
Show Frame Arrowheads | Toggle coordinate frame's arrowheads. |
Show Frame Labels | Toggle coordinate frame's axis labels. |
General | Main properties controlling overall behavior. |
Allow Server | Allow control to change RobWorld's parameters. Not implemented. |
Label | Properties specifying how labels look. |
Distance To Axis | Distance between a label and an arrowhead if it's visible or an arrow shaft. |
Font Family | Label font family - SERIF, SANS, TYPEWRITER. |
Font Size | Label font size. |
Font Style | Label font style - NONE, ITALIC, BOLD, BOLD ITALIC. |
Subscription | Label subscription - use spaces for horizontal alignment. |
Superscription | Label superscription - use spaces for horizontal alignment. |
Frame Placement | Properties specifying world frame placement. |
Angle Yaw | The first applied angle specifying rotation about Z axis |
Angle Pitch | The second applied angle specifying rotation about Y axis after yaw rotation is done. |
Angle Roll | The third applied angle specifying rotation about X axis after pitch rotation is done. |
Position X | Frame displacement along X axis. |
Position Y | Frame displacement along Y axis. |
Position Z | Frame displacement along Z axis. |