Server Namespace Reference

Classes related to the Server component of the Animate Workbench. More...


class  ServerCommand
 ServerCommand class specifying Animate workbench's Server button/command. More...
class  ServerProxy
 Proxy class for a FeaturePython Server instance. More...
class  ViewProviderServerProxy
 Proxy class for a Gui.ViewProviderDocumentObject Server.ViewObject. More...


 Path to a folder with the necessary icons. More...

Detailed Description

Classes related to the Server component of the Animate Workbench.

The classes in this module provide funcionality for a FeaturePython Server instance (except an interprocess communication which is in the communication module) and creates a command to be used in a workbench.

Variable Documentation


Initial value:
1 = path.join(FreeCAD.getHomePath(), "Mod", "Animate", "Resources",
2  "Icons")

Path to a folder with the necessary icons.

Definition at line 44 of file